plan of this proposal is to build Market Shelter with size of
(20.20 miter by 13.30 equal 268 msq).
It will be a simple structure with concrete columns and corrugated
roofing sheets, the floor of the market will be concrete excavated
deeply to avoid cracks or other damages, however, between the
columns will be constructed another horizontal concrete chain
links that will allow to resist jointly the equilibrium of the
sheet system will be done mainly on timber which consists on rafter
and purling, reinforced to all joints to ensure that the air or
cyclone will not remove.
At the Present time the traders who are vulnerable groups composed
returnees, former refugees and IDP’s, are using for their
business to an open air as Market place. These people are victims
of cruel environment (sun, wind & rain) these destitute &
needy IDPs, Returnees & Community are suffering hardship environment.
