Proposal entitled “Public awareness of tobacco use in the
month of Ramadan” has been approved by WHO-EMR under Tobacco
Free Initiative and signed APW on March 6, 2005 between the two
parties (WHO-EMR & Sahan NGO), the Awareness Started on 7
May, 2005 in Mogadishu the capital city of Somalia and Ended on
15 December, 2005 .
The project was focusing on helping in the Social development
related to the Awareness of the use of Tobacco in the Holy month
of Ramadan.
The implementation agreement between the parties (WHO EMRO &
SAHAN) was signed on March 6th, 2005, and at the same time the
project started its implementation.
From May 15, 2005 SAHAN NGO, which is activist of Tobacco Free
Initiate, started Public Awareness of tobacco use, in the public
place, such as Hospitals, Mosques, Schools and Commercial Centers.